
HYEON SA 玄砂 豆腐砂 10L【玄】

HYEON SA 玄砂 豆腐砂 10L【玄】
品 牌: HYEON SA 玄砂
型 號: ...葵] L玄(4)
購買數量: 加入購物車

HYEON SA 玄砂 豆腐砂 10L

These are the advantages of “Hyeon Sa”

- This cat litter is made of tofu okara.

- It has excellent absorbency and clumps up well.

- Excellent deodorizing function minimizes inconvenience caused by odor

- Coagulated sand can easily be released into the toilet and flushed off the toilet.

- It is excellent for dust removal and cats respiratory disease prevention.

- The desertification phenomenon is always a clean environment.


- 豆渣製造
- 吸收性和結塊良好
- 吸味功能高
- 可放馬桶沖走(分次適量)
- 粉塵低,適合預防貓呼吸道疾病

- 不易帶出沙盤,居家能保持清潔