
Cat Dancer - Deluxe 貓咪掛牆小白手掌 (逗貓棒, 貓玩具) ( 美國製造)

Cat Dancer - Deluxe 貓咪掛牆小白手掌 (逗貓棒, 貓玩具) ( 美國製造)
品 牌: Cat Dancer
型 號: ZT]_TcdcDeluxe_白手掌
購買數量: 加入購物車


Cats don't just love our toys, they become obsessed with them, they fall in love with them and are possessed by their need to play with them.


The Original Cat Dancer® and a paw to hold the toy on a wall. Kitty can play while you’re away. The included Command® Strips
will not mar your wall.